How to Create Happiness in Marriage

It’s easy for us to get so caught up in the busy-ness of life chasing our “goals” that we forget to seize opportunities to create enjoyable moments with our significant other. This can happen in almost any stage of life.

Our society often paints the image that marriage is a “fairytale” at the beginning… and then things plateau (or even go downhill).

We’re here to tell you that WE (we’re in this with you) don’t have to subject ourselves to our circumstances, letting time pass us by. Here are three ways to be more intentional in creating moments that excite and uplift us!

1. MAKE moments that matter: be flexible/creative, not using “time” as an excuse

2. Disconnect in order to connect

3. Remind yourself of the joyous moments: reflecting can provide a sense of fuel for the journey ahead

What are some ways in which you and your significant other create enjoyable moments? (date nights, staycations, homemade meals, etc.?) Share your thoughts in the comments below!