How to Resolve Conflict in Marriage: 3 Keys

How can you addressing the “molehills” in marriage (and really any relationship)?

Conflict happens. Small irritations, happen. But letting go of your anger and getting back on the same page is absolutely necessary for the long term health of the relationship!

The more quickly you learn to communicate and address the conflict before it amplifies, the better (of course!). 

Here are three ways to identify and combat conflict in marriage.

1. Address the conflicts early. (while it’s still day – Ephesians 4:26)

2. Resolve issues in house. (together, with wise counsel as needed)

3. Know when to apologize. At times, “An apology is not necessarily an admission of fault – but it’s more so a statement in which you are saying that you value the relationship more than your own pride and personal stance.”

The health of your marriage – matters. Now let’s fill in these molehills!