How to Overcome Expectations in Marriage

As many celebrate and give love during the month of February… we wanted to share one of the key lessons we’ve learned thus far in marriage: Overcoming Expectations.

Within marriage (and any relationship), our expectations of each other can often negatively impact how we see and how we treat our significant other. Here are three key takeaways from our discussion that we use to help us overcome this challenge.

1. Avoid the traps of assumption and comparison. If there are reasonable things you feel you need/desire from your spouse, verbalize them with humility, sincerity, and patience.

2. Make allowance for one another’s shortcomings, and afford each other the grace to grow. Your spouse was created and loved by God far before you ever came in the picture (just sayin’)

3. Empower one another by serving each other selflessly (in love).

What’s one way in which you desire to grow in showing love to your spouse? 

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